Apr-24 | | |
Thursday 18th | De Montfort Hall Leicester | 0116 233 3111 |
Friday 19th | The Deco Northampton | 01604 491005 |
Saturday 20th | City Hall Hull | 01482 300306 |
Sunday 21st | Forum Theatre Billingham | 01642 552663 |
Wednesday 24th | The Hexagon | 0118 9606060 |
Thursday 25th | Grand Theatre Swansea | 01792 475715 |
Friday 26th | Queens Theatre Barnstaple | 01271 316523 |
Sunday 28th | Royal Concert Hall Nottingham | 0115 9895555 |
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May-24 | | |
Thursday 2nd | G Live Guildford | 0343 310 0055 |
Friday 3rd | Pavilion Theatre Bournemouth | 08445 763000 |
Saturday 4th | Pavilion Theatre Weymouth | 01305 783225 |
Sunday 5th | Hall For Cornwall Truro | 01872 262466 |
Saturday 11th | Sands Centre Carlisle (To be rescheduled due to RAAC) | 0333-33-55055 |
Thursday 16th | Cliffs Pavilion Southend | 01702 351135 |
Friday 17th | Philharmonic Hall Liverpool | 0151 7093789 |
Sunday 19th | Grand Theatre Wolverhampton | 01902 42 92 12 |
Friday 24th | The Brunton Musselburgh | 0131 6535245 |
Saturday 25th | Rothes Halls Glenrothes | 01592 611101 |
Sunday 26th | Royal Concert Hall Glasgow | 0141 353 8000 |
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Aug-24 | | |
Saturday 31st | Spa Hall Bridlington | 01262 678258 |